Value Function Approximation

Part I

Reference: Sutton and Barto;Chapter 9-11

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Iterative Policy Evaluation Methods

  • Iterative Control Methods

  • Average Reward Setting



Reinforcement learning can be used to solve large problems, e.g.

  • Backgammon: $10^{20}$ states

  • Computer Go: $10^{170}$ states

  • Helicopter: continuous state space

How can we use the methods learnt previously on such huge state-spaces?

For eg: A Tabular methods using only Value Function of states (In half Precision) for the game of Backgammon:

  • Memory Requirement: $\frac{10^{20} \times 2}{10^{15}} = $2 Lac PetaBytes

Story so far...

  • So far we have represented value function by a lookup table;

  • Every state $s$ has an entry $V(s)$
    Or every state-action pair $s,a$ has an entry $Q(s, a)$.
  • Problem with large MDPs:
    • There are too many states and/or actions to store in memory
    • It is too slow to learn the value of each state individually
  • Solution for large MDPs:
    • Estimate value function with function approximation
      ### $$\hat{v}(s, w) \sim v_\pi(s)$$
      ### $$\hat{q}(s, a, w) \sim q_\pi(s, a)$$
  • Generalise from seen states to unseen states;

  • Update parameter w using MC or TD learning

Value Approximation

Types of Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

Value Approximation

Function Approximation methods:

  • There are many function approximators, e.g.

    • Linear combinations of features

    • Neural network

    • Decision tree

    • Nearest neighbour

    • Fourier / wavelet bases

    • ...

Value Approximation

Some Major Issues

  • Not all function approximation methods are equally well suited
  • Many statistical methods assume a static training set over which multiple passes are made.
    • Our situation:data is aquired Online.
    • Essential to learn efficiently from incrementally acquired data.
  • Reinforcement learning generally requires approximation methods able to handle nonstationary target functions
    • In General Control Mechanism, we often seek to learn $q_\pi$ while $\pi$ changes.
    • Bootstrapping methods: The target values of training examples are nonstationary
  • Methods that cannot easily handle such nonstationarity are less suitable for reinforcement learning.

Value Approximation

Which Function Approximator

  • We consider differentiable function approximators, e.g.

    • Linear combinations of features

    • Neural network

    • Decision tree

    • Nearest neighbour

    • Fourier / wavelet bases

    • ...

Incremental Methods

Gradient Descent

Multi-armed Bandit

The Prediction Objective (MSVE)

  • Mean Squared Value Error, or MSVE: ### $$ MSVE(\theta) = \sum_{s \in S}^{}{d(s) \big[ v_\pi (s)-\hat(v)(s,\theta) \big]^2}$$
  • Weighting or distribution $d(s) \ge 0$ representing how much we care about the error in each state $s$.
  • Why was $d(s)$ not required in Tabular methods?
    • because the learned value function could come to equal the true value function exactly.
    • learned values at each state were decoupled—an update at one state affected no other.
  • More states than weights
    • making one state’s estimate more accurate leads to making others’ less accurate.
    • We must specify which states we care most about.

The Prediction Objective (MSVE)

Is MSVE Perfect?

  • Our ultimate purpose is to use it in finding a better policy.

    • The best value function for this purpose is not necessarily the best for minimizing MSVE.
  • Generally,if not specified, consider $d(s) = 1, \forall s \in S $

Stochastic Gradient Descent for MSVE

Multi-armed Bandit

Feature Vector

Multi-armed Bandit

Linear Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

Table Look-up

Multi-armed Bandit

Incremental Prediction Methods

Incremental Prediction Methods

Multi-armed Bandit

Important Point.

  • The Monte Carlo target $U_t = G_t$ is by definition an unbiased estimate of $v_\pi(S_t)$.
    • In this situation, SGD method converges to a locally optimal approximation to $v_\pi(S_t)$.
  • Bootstrapping targets such as $n$-step returns $G^{(n)}_{t}$ or the DP target, all depend on the current value of the weight vector $\theta_t$.
    • Implies that they will be biased
    • will not produce a true gradient-descent method
    • we call them semi-gradient methods.
  • Disadvantage:semi-gradient (bootstrapping) methods do not converge as robustly as gradient methods.
    • they do converge reliably in cases such as the linear approximation.
  • Advantage:
    • Typically significantly faster to learn
    • Enable learning to be continual and online
    • provides computational advantages.

Monte-Carlo with Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

TD Learning with Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

TD($\lambda$) with Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

TD($\lambda$) with Value Function Approximation

  • TD converges to a point called the TD-fixedpoint(see references)

$$MSVE(\theta_{TD}) \le \frac{1}{1-\gamma} min_\theta(MSVE(\theta))$$

  • $\gamma$ is often near one
    • the expansion factor can be quite large,
    • there can be substantial loss in asymptotic performance with the TD method.
  • However, recall that the TD methods often
    • have vastly reduced variance compared to Monte Carlo methods, and
    • are faster.

State Aggregation on the 1000-state Random Walk

  • A simple form of generalizing function approximation in which states are grouped together.

  • One estimated value (one component of the weight vector $\theta$) for each group.

Problem Statement

  • A 1000-state version of the random walk task
  • States are numbered from 1 to 1000, left to right,
  • all episodes begin near the center, in state 500
  • State transitions are from the current state to one of the 100 neighboring states to its left or right
    • With equal probability
  • Termination on the left produces a reward of −1, and termination on the right produces a reward of +1.
  • All other transitions have a reward of zero

A 1000-state Random Walk

With Monte Carlo Estimates

Multi-armed Bandit

Importance of the distribution function d(s)

  • Do you notice the skew in the prediction?

A 1000-state Random Walk

With TD estimates

Multi-armed Bandit

Iterative Control Approximation

Control with Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

Action-Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

Linear Action-Value Function Approximation

Multi-armed Bandit

Incremental Control Algorithms

Multi-armed Bandit

Mountain Car Problem

Live Demo

Multi-armed Bandit

Mountain Car Problem

Multi-armed Bandit

Single Step vs Multi Step

  • Episodic semi-gradient one-step Sarsa

    • Target: ### $$ G_t = R_{t+1}+ \gamma \hat{q}(S_{t+1},A_{t+1},\theta _t)$$
    • Gradient: ### $$ \theta_{t+1} = \theta_t + \alpha[ G_t -\hat{q}(S_t,A_t,\theta_t)] \nabla\hat{q}(S_t,A_t,\theta_t) $$
  • Episodic n-step Semi-gradient Sarsa

    • Target: ### $$ G_t^{(n)} = R_{t+1}+\gamma R_{t+2} + ... + \gamma^{n-1}R(t+n) +\gamma^n \hat{q}(S_{t+n},A_{t+n},\theta _{t+n-1})$$
    • Gradient: ### $$ \theta_{t+n} = \theta_{t+n-1} + \alpha[ G_t^{(n)} -\hat{q}(S_t,A_t,\theta_{t+n-1})] \nabla\hat{q}(S_t,A_t,\theta_{t+n-1}) $$

Single Step vs Multi Step

Multi-armed Bandit

Effect of learning rate

Multi-armed Bandit

Study of λ: Should We Bootstrap?

Multi-armed Bandit

Average Reward

Average Reward

  • Classical Settings:
    • Discounting Setting
    • Episodic Setting
  • Average Reward
    • applies to continuing problems
    • there is no discounting
  • Why?
    • The discounted setting is problematic with function approximation,
    • The average-reward setting is needed to replace it.

Average Reward

  • In average reward setting, the quality of a policy $\pi$ is defined as:

    • The average rate of rewards while following that policy, $\eta (\pi)$
      ### $$ \eta(\pi) = lim_{T \to \infty}\frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}{E[R_t|A_{0:t-1} \sim \pi]}$$ ### $$ \eta(\pi) = \sum_{s}{d_\pi(s) \sum_{a}{\pi(a|s) \sum_{s',r}{p(s,r'|s,a)r}}}$$

    • $d_\pi$ is the steady-state distribution. ### $$ \sum_{s}{d_\pi(s) \sum_{a}{\pi(a|s,\theta) {p(s'|s,a)}}} = d_\pi(s')$$

Average Reward

  • In the average-reward setting, returns are defined in terms of differences between rewards and the average reward: ### $$G_t = R_{t+1} - \eta(\pi) + R_{t+2} - \eta(\pi) + ...$$

  • This is know as the differential return

    • corresponding value functions are known as differential value functions.

Contrast with Discounted Value functions:

  • Differential value functions also have Bellman equations very similar to disconted value functions.

  • For disconted value functions

    Multi-armed Bandit
    Multi-armed Bandit
  • For Average reward value Functions
    Multi-armed Bandit

Contrast with Discounted Value functions:

  • For optimal disconted value functions
    Multi-armed Bandit
    Multi-armed Bandit
  • For optimal Average reward value Functions
    Multi-armed Bandit

Contrast with Discounted Value functions:

  • There is also a differential form of the two TD errors:

  • For disconted value functions

    Multi-armed Bandit
  • For Average reward value Functions
    Multi-armed Bandit
  • $\bar{R}$ is an estimate of the average reward $\eta(\pi)$

Differential Semi-gradient Sarsa for Control

Multi-armed Bandit

Example from Operations:

An Access-Control Queuing Task

  • A set of k servers.

  • Customers of four different priorities arrive at a single queue.

    • Reward of 1,2,4,8 respectively
  • In each time step, the customer at the head of the queue is

    • accepted (assigned to one of the servers) or
    • rejected (removed from the queue, with a reward of zero).
  • On the next time step the next customer in the queue is considered.

  • The queue never empties

    • the priorities of the customers are equally randomly distributed.
  • A customer can not be served if there is no free server;

  • Each busy server becomes free with probability p on each time step.

  • Task: Decide on each step whether to accept or reject the next customer,on the basis of

    • His priority and
    • The number of free servers,
      So as to maximize long-term reward without discounting.

Example from Operations:

An Access-Control Queuing Task

Multi-armed Bandit

Example from Operations:

An Access-Control Queuing Task

Multi-armed Bandit

Futility of Discounting in continuous Approximation problems


  • An infinite sequence of returns with no beginning or end, and no clearly identified states.
  • it turns out that the average of the discounted returns is proportional to the average reward.
  • average of the discounted returns is always $\eta(\pi)/(1 − \gamma)$
  • The ordering of all policies in the average discounted return setting would be exactly the same as in the average-reward setting.
  • The discounted case is still pertinent, or at least possible, for the episodic case.


  • To add