
Aditya Ganeshan

CS PhD Student
Brown University
Graphics / Vision / Mathematics / Machine Learning / Music
Most recent update: August 4th 2024.

What I am doing now:

I am contributing towards three research directions: a) Creating variations of 2D patterns, b) Designing tool to aid fabrication of Tsugite Joints and c) 3D Scene Generation with LLMs. Apart from that, I spend some time trying to make music and understanding different graphics/vision/pl problems/ideas.

Short Bio: Aditya Ganeshan is a forth-year Ph.D. student at the Brown Visual Computing group, advised by Professor Daniel Ritchie. He is interested in developing techniques for inferring and using structured representations for 2D and 3D data. Previously, he worked on vision system for autonomous driving at Preferred Networks Inc., Japan, and on adversarial robustness at IISc, India. He completed his Bachelor’s in Applied Mathematics at IIT Roorkee, India.

Recent Research:

ParSEL - Parameterized Shape Editing with Language

A. Ganeshan, Ryan Y. Huang, Xianghao Xu, R. Kenny Jones and Daniel Ritchie

ACM Siggraph Asia 2024, Journal at Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 2024.

Improving Unsupervised Visual Program Inference with Code Rewriting Families

A. Ganeshan, R. Kenny Jones and Daniel Ritchie

Oral (1.8%) IEEE / CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023

Skill Generalization with Verbs

R. Ma, L. Lam, B. A. Spiegel, A. Ganeshan, B. Abbatematteo, R. Patel, D. Paulius, S. Tellex, G. Konidaris.

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023

Warp-Refine Propagation Semi-Supervised Auto-labeling via Cycle-consistency

A. Ganeshan , Alexis Vallet, Yasunori Kudo, Shin-ichi Maeda, Tommi Kerola, Rares Ambrus, Dennis Park, Adrien Gaidon

IEEE / CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021

Phonetroller - Visual Representations of Fingers for Precise Touch Input with Mobile Phones in VR

Fabrice Matulic, A. Ganeshan, Hiroshi Fujiwara, Daniel Vogel

Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 21

Recent highlights and news:

  • 27 July 2024 : Thanks to Aditya Ganeshan for sponsoring my trip to Denver to attend SIGGRAPH 2024 (:P)! A Pleasant experience! Lots of project ideas and relations to take home!
  • 27 May 2024 : I am in San Francisco this summer to do some very interesting research with Matt Fisher and Thibault Groueix!
  • 19 May 2024 : Finished my sixth semester with no courses. Most of the time spent on developing the new projects (and prompt engineering, ugh)!
  • 5 April 2024 : After a lot of code rewriting, I released the codebase for using code rewriting to improve Visual Program Inference (our ICCV 2023 paper). Check out CoReF!
  • 9 February 2024 : I am helping organize a Visual Program Inference challenge at C3DV: 2nd Workshop On Compositional 3D Vision at CVPR 2024. Its the first of its kind so hope to get more folks interested in mixing programs and visual processing! A big Thanks to Habib Slim for thinking of including visual program inference as a challenge at C3DV!
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